Thursday, May 23, 2013

Spring has Sprung!!

You know, if I say that I'm going to post soon, it might be helpful if I actually remember to publish or schedule to publish the post. Anyway, here is a most that I typed up on May 12 and forgot to post. :)

Yes, I know, the first day of spring was a while, back but evidently Iowa hasn't gotten the memo till now. :) It seems like we mostly skipped over spring and went straight to summer(It got up to 102 here on Tuesday), but we have had some nice spring days.

Here is what spring means to me:

Spring is flowers.

Spring is working on school outside.(With very helpful cats)

Spring is fresh rhubarb

Spring is budding apples trees

Spring is freshly tilled soil

Spring is baby lambs

And baby kittens
In case you're wondering, my hand is the for size comparison.

Here are some things I don't have pictures for but still deserve a place in a blogpost.
Spring is lilacs
Spring is tagging brand-new calves with Dad
Spring is finishing up with the school year
Spring is planting things and watching them grow


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